Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15th

I went to see an Auction at Christie's.

After that MOMA

With the Marina Abramovic exhibition : Unforgettable....

And the Tim Burton's...

I met Krista Saunders and Mario Giacalone in the performing arts center

And go to a talk of Steven V.Roberts about his last book "From every end of this world"

To finish with a Hip Hop music show where they didn't let me in because i didn't have my id card. I tried to charm the guy ; but without any success...

Today, my name was Mary

I must use an English name till tomorrow..


  1. Hi Mary,
    Where is your lamb?
    (une ligne)
    (une ligne aussi)
    Today, why don't you try Maureen?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Christie's ? Oh, Madame !
    The NBC headquarters I talked you about are on the 30 Rockfeller !

    And they didn't accept you in the club because of your age ?! They wanted a proof ? Didn't they see your first wrinkles ?! Mouhahahaha

    Love your 1st drawing but who's that ?
    And M. Jack, himself ! Now, I'm jealous !

    Add a starbucks coffee for $3 : it's official, I hate you !!

  4. Pierre, Do you want to turn mad your big sister? I don't have any wrinkle yet....
    Maybe they thought I was a terrorist wanted to sing hard rock in their hip hop show...
    Who is mr Jack?
    It is not a coffee but a cappucino.
    Bernard ; my lamb left me for an other..Too bad.
    No, I think today, i will try "Maurice"

  5. Jack from Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas !

    Don't you know that ?! Shame on you !
