Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20th

Wall Street to meet Nathalie Angles, the program manager of "residency unlimited"

I also met there
Eva K Tremblay an artist : http://www.evektremblay.com/Eve_K_Tremblay.html
Santo Tolone ( artist in Milano) : http://www.residencyunlimited.org/artists/2010/02/santo-tolone/
Yuka Yokoyama ( Director and co-founder of Marginal Utility in Philadelphia : www.marginalutility.org
Remisko Bartek ( curator in Poland)

I visited the Seaport Museum always in Wall Street.
The problem is that I am sick on boats....So that took me maybe one second...
(But anyway, there was also an exhibition on the ground)

Central Park

And a private tour of the Whitney Museum followed by a very chic cocktail with Julia Knight.

I think that we were the most beautiful girls in that party !!!

Some links of American's artists that I remember

roland flexner http://www.rolandflexner.com/
Marianne Vitale http://www.mariannevitale.com/MARIANNE_VITALE.html
Storm Tharp ; http://pdxcontemporaryart.com/tharp
Maureen Gallace : http://www.303gallery.com/artists/maureen_gallace/
Dawn Clements : http://www.pierogi2000.com/flatfile/clementsd.html

Just in front of my appartment, Snoop Dogg is given a concert right now. Too bad that apexart didn't bring me there....
Who want that gorgeous sticker???

Thanks to everyone who read this blog. But who read it? I have no idea....


  1. The sticker would be a perfect fit for Alice, for the wordplay with "Alice" & "Malice" !

    You were 2 beautiful and elegant women that night ! So French ! What about Central Park ? How was it ? No squirrels ?

    As for your readers : on the internet, you'll never know whereas you're being read or not. But knowing that it makes our days (at least mine) should be enough !
    I check your blog every morning, and sometimes I'm not really awaken yet so I don't post any comment, but I read every line you write, and I'm pretty damn jealous !!!

    Keep the good stuff coming !
    xoxo ma sœur !

  2. Hello, who read your blog ? ME !! Every day, but often I have the "flemme" to write in english !!
    In your blog there are many pictures, it's easier, for me, to look them, than to write or even to read, but I understand very well your english !

    I see that you are spending a very pleasant and cultural stay. I enjoy for you. Go on....

  3. I Beatrice, you understand my english because it is level "classe de 6eme"...However, I progress slowly but certainly...
    I am leaving tomorrow to Washington DC, I won't post messages for two days! I come back on saturday.
    Bye bye and thanks for reading me (Because it doesn't seem, but it is a real work to write this blog)

  4. I believe it that it is a real work to write every day this blog, and you are right for my level in english ! yours it's better now and when you'll return in France, you'll speak fluently or almost !!

    Good stay in Washington DC and post many pictures.

