I had the pleasure today to meet the artist Peter Soriano.
His studio is in Brooklyn, but he moves actually for a new place in Wall Street.
I was completely dreaming on his work. The sculptures, that he called each "Other side", are very powerful and poetic. You can see it better on his website here :
I really enjoyed this moment, and was very glad to discover a wonderful work (it is not everyday!)

For lunch, I met Gaspar Dietrich, a photographer. Unfortunately his website is under construction, so I can't show you any pictures.
Get back to 14 Wall Street to live a unique experience.

I couldn't take any pictures obviously because it was a Blind dance.
We had a blindfold before enter the theater, so we couldn't estimate the space.
Then, an amazing dance and sounds piece started. The relationships between dance, space, sounds, colors were very interesting. As a painter, it was a real difficulty to admit the blindness, but a few minutes later, I was in another world. Totally MAGIC.
I finished the day on a workshop of a play about the status of transexuels in New York.
I learned that sexuals differences in this city seems to be more difficult than in Paris.
I think that day was really full of emotions and it was a perfect one !
I still feel so lucky to be trough all that things. I wish that everybody, one month in his life, should have the chance to appreciate the benefit of Art and Knowledge as I live it now !
What a wonderful world, so many scores and variations, so many feelings and moods. I never saturate, my brain is so wildly opened that I could fill it with everything. Moreover, I start to feel a conscience of the whole world, it means that I don't feel french anymore but the participant of a huge community where everyone has a role to play. I hope that my own role as an artist, can make things grown up.
As you can see, I feel more comfortable with english language....And I can express myself a little bit more....Just when I have to live....Too bad, you won't know Marine Karbowski the famous New Yorker's writer. (me neither i guess...)
I think it is a matter of EMERGENCY. It's now or never.
Thanks for following me along this blog.
Time to place a link to your other blog, I guess...