Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26th

The oldest Synagogue of New York : The Eldridge Street Synagogue

I met Petrushka Bazin for lunch, she is the curatorial Fellow at "The Kitchen"

After that, I run to meet Mimi Gross a painter of New York.
Her apartment/studio is extraordinary, located in Manhattan, it looks exactly how you imagine it : spacious, full of amazing paintings.
(That one is mine, so lucky again!)

This is the Grolier Club. They presented a show about the stories along the Mississippi.

Davy Crockett, Tom Sawyer etc...

A submarine.

I wasted a long moment wondering how they could trap us in restrooms with advertising...

At night, I saw that performance about the human will to fly. Sigourney Weaver was speaking with the music and images broadcast on the screen : A real American show as they are so good to do it !

1 comment:

  1. Wow ! The Synagogue lokks like our cathedrals !
    And the ad was actually IN the mirror ? They're good ! The painting looks wicked, I like that !

    As for the show, it reminds me these orchestras they put together for the movies and their music.
