Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day one

Good Morning

Already feel like home!

I couldn't imagine that New York does exist for real: for me, this city was just a movie on a screen. A cliché deeply entrenched in my mind.

But yes it is real, even all the people I talked to.

And I am surprised how I felt a part of it yesterday, walking errand in the center, talking with people, taking wrong ways.

Being lost is such an amazing feeling! my territory has suddenly and wildly grown up.
I m not a writer or a journalist, I am a painter. How will I deal with all this shapes and color?

Maybe through drawings that I will post here on this blog. Or thru some photos.

In that way, I hope that every one can follow me closely in this new city adventure.


  1. Hello bella, bonne chance à notre artiste nationale
    Le Chat

  2. Et en plus je suis le premier... Yehhhhhh !
    N A

  3. Ouuuuuiiii ! Ton premier post ! Hourra !

    Can't wait to see your first drawings and first pictures of the big apple !

  4. Norbert you have to practice your english here no french allowed

  5. My dear Marine, your english has improved a lot during your sleep, that's a miracle ! your blog and bisonte drawings are so refreshing..keep going..we're all looking forward reading your comments..
    Have a good day !

  6. Yes, you learn more when you sleep....It is curious...

  7. Y have to pratice my english ? Ok !
    My sister is not a boy
    My tailor is rich
    I am happy with sunshine !

  8. The cat is in the kitchen... So, Norbert is also in the kitchen ?

    And where is the big apple ?
